- 1Jacksonpollock.org (jacksonpollock.org)276 points by memalign - 71 comments
- 2Retaking the Web Browser, One Small Step at a Time (andregarzia.com)4 points by surprisetalk - 0 comments
- 3Tips for mathematical handwriting (2007) (johnkerl.org)179 points by susam - 78 comments
- 4Sand trafficking in Latin America (insightcrime.org)38 points by josh-sematic - 13 comments
- 5The Deck: An open-source cross-platform multiplayer card game engine in Flutter (github.com/xajik)232 points by igor_st - 57 comments
- 6Writing a simple windows driver in Rust (scorpiosoftware.net)164 points by ingve - 62 comments
- 7Do-nothing scripting: the key to gradual automation (2019) (danslimmon.com)395 points by tehnub - 100 comments
- 821st Century C++ (acm.org)100 points by bandwitch - 146 comments
- 9Obscure islands I find interesting (amanvir.com)312 points by venusgirdle - 87 comments
- 10Show HN: FlashSpace – fast, open-source, macOS Spaces replacement (github.com/wojciech-kulik)177 points by wojciech-kulik - 63 comments
- 11Boeing has informed its employees that NASA may cancel SLS contracts (arstechnica.com)28 points by LorenDB - 13 comments
- 12First glimpse inside burnt scroll after 2k years (bbc.co.uk)86 points by goodcanadian - 30 comments
- 13Cities can cost effectively start their own utilities (burke.dev)204 points by kevinburke - 198 comments
- 14In the trenches: on being an Engineering Manager (digital-horror.com)4 points by juxhindb - 0 comments
- 15We are destroying software (antirez.com)525 points by antirez - 374 comments
- 16Ada Gems (2014) (adacore.com)39 points by Tomte - 5 comments
- 17A whirlwind tutorial on creating teensy ELF executables for Linux (1999) (muppetlabs.com)46 points by xtacy - 11 comments
- 18Generating Voronoi diagrams using Fortune's algorithm (redpenguin101.github.io)161 points by redpenguin101 - 15 comments
- 19A tale of distros joining forces for a common goal: reproducible builds [video] (fosdem.org)118 points by todsacerdoti - 50 comments
- 20Keeling Labs (YC W23) Is Hiring an ML Engineer for Applied ML in the Grid (keelinglabs.com)0 points by - 0 comments
- 21RISC-V Mainboard for Framework Laptop 13 is now available (frame.work)160 points by WithinReason - 42 comments
- 22From hours to 360ms: over-engineering a puzzle solution (danielh.cc)69 points by max__dev - 13 comments
- 23Show HN: Chez Scheme txtar port from Go (sr.ht)56 points by hellcow - 6 comments
- 24Origami by Meenakshi (origamee.net)84 points by Tomte - 5 comments
- 25Hotline for modern Apple systems (github.com/mierau)490 points by tonymet - 113 comments
- 26VSCode’s SSH agent is bananas (fly.io)667 points by zdyxry - 468 comments
- 27You're missing your near misses (surfingcomplexity.blog)88 points by azhenley - 25 comments
- 28OpenEuroLLM, an 'open, compliant, diverse' series of foundation models (slator.com)11 points by Capstanlqc - 3 comments
- 29Is software abstraction killing civilization? (2021) (datagubbe.se)139 points by yamrzou - 103 comments
- 30Versioning versus Coordination (brooker.co.za)47 points by burntcaramel - 0 comments